Little Red Riding Hood (Preschool SmartGames)
Find the way to grandmother's house. Once upon a time… Discover the magic of the popular fairy tale in this original thinking game especially for the little ones. Can you help Little Red Riding Hood find the way to Grandma's house? Place Little Red Riding Hood, grandmother's house and the trees on the game board and use the puzzle pieces to make a way from Little Red Riding Hood to the house. Can you solve all 24 assignments?
You can also play the game with the wolf present, but be careful because he will be at the house first! Try to solve these 24 other quests by making two roads to the house, one for Little Red Riding Hood and one for the Wolf.
Little Red Riding Hood consists of 48 assignments (24 with the wolf and 24 without) and also contains a nice picture book with the original fairy tale in a contemporary jacket.
1 Little Red Riding Hood game set (Preschool SmartGames)

Little Red Riding Hood (Preschool SmartGames)