Mini Loco - Pompom, I learn to count up to and including 20
Playfully learn to count up to 20. Loco Rompompom puzzles with finger images, dice and the number sequence. Connect 100% with school. Self-correcting.
Counting becomes fun by learning to count up to 20 together with Pompom! In this Loco exercise booklet, the numbers are displayed with finger images, dice and in the number row. This is how a child discovers a number in a versatile way. The content is 100% in line with math at school. A child can get started alone or with a little help.
This exercise book can be used with the Mini Loco - basedoos.
Learning goals:
• Cancel the counting sequence up to and including 20
• Count up and down from different numbers
• Recognize and name numbers up to 20
• Dealing with numbers and quantities up to and including 20
• Do addition and subtraction sums up to and including 20
1 assignment booklet Mini Loco - I learn to count up to. 20

Mini Loco - Pompom, I learn to count up to and including 20