The Bee-Bot is a child-friendly robot in the shape of a bee. Children can operate the robot with the seven buttons on its back. To get from point A to point B, they must give the correct commands beforehand. eg. two steps forward, one left turn and one more step forward. The robot remembers up to 200 steps, it can move forward, backward, turn around and turn 90°. He can detect another Bee bot and say 'hello' or play back recorded messages himself.
The Bee-bot can be used for different subjects, it helps to develop problem-solving skills and logical thinking. There are many Bee-bot mats available in our webshop in various themes and with different learning objectives.
Bee-Bot (1)
1 Bee-Bot (afm. 13 x 10 x 7 cm)
1 charging cable
Bee-Bots (6) + charging station
6 Bee-Bots (afm. 13 x 10 x 7 cm)
1 charging station for 6 Bee-Bots
